Field Day 2004
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Feeding of the few
Mikey & Ruel 6Y5RV
Wizdom 6Y5GC, Gerald 6Y5AG, Horace 6Y5AW, Brandy 6Y5BB, Ruddy WA2OLE/6Y5
Feeding of the multitude
Patrick 6Y5PF, Winston 6Y5WZ, Gerald 6Y5AG & Horace 6Y5AW
Bill 6Y5HF, Paul 6Y5WE & Horace 6Y5AW
Ruddy WA2OLE
That puzzled look
Mikey the chef
Brandy 6Y5BB, Gerald 6Y5AG, Horace 6Y5AW
Paul, Brandy Wizdom called to the bar
Wizdom 6Y5GC
Antenna Installation
Ruel 6Y5RV
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